The gold beet is a plant in the Chenopodiaceae family. It is made up of both an edible root and edible leaves. The plant has a pale orange, round root whose skin encases an earthy, sweet golden-orange flesh. Its smooth skinned (up to 4") globes are topped with bright green leafy stems.
Nutritional Value
Beet greens are actually more nutritious than the beets, containing twice the potassium and are exceptionally high in beta carotene and folic acid. Beets have the highest sugar content of any vegetable.
Steaming and roasting bring out the best flavor that the beet can offer. The skin must be peeled, which is easiest after it has cooked, as it simply slips away from its flesh. Beets pair well with cheese, bacon, apples, fennel, citrus, potatoes, shallots, vinegar, walnuts, smoked and cured fish. Toss roasted beets with apple slices, roasted parsnips and hazelnut vinaigrette, then serve the salad over greens. Very thinly slice raw beets and serve with crumble goat cheese, dressed with olive oil. Toss roasted, diced beets with with cooked lentils and vinaigrette and serve as a side dish. Chop roasted beets and combine with minced garlic, onions, tomatoes and cilantro for an earthy salsa. Beets with keep, refrigerated, for up to a week or longer if their tops are removed.
Beets are descended from a wild seashore plant called the sea beet. Beets prefer a cooler climate although they are tolerant of heat. They can be harvested any time during their growth cycle. Growers say the faster beets grow, the better the flavor.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Farm Fresh Friday 5/20 Rosted Golden Beets
Monday, May 16, 2011
Guest Blogger Alexandra Suazo asks if Your Ready to Take the Salad Challenge!
One photo. That’s all it took for me to get up and change my life.
That photo of myself and weighing in at 244lbs on Dec. 4th, I knew it was time to reassess my life, my eating, get up off the couch and MOVE.
What once was a “diet” of the following:
- Plain bagel with cream cheese and iced coffee for breakfast
- Massive Chicken Caesar salad for late lunch
- An IV of Diet Coke, rarely water
- Subway foot-long with those equally gargantuan fountain drinks
- Ridiculous joke of a dinner-
Is now a real, healthy diet of 6-meals/per day at a mere 1,100 calories; AND I’m never hungry!
What helped me kick it off? MediFast, a program I paid for; sometimes you need a push. I’ve done the past two months completely on my own though, which means I had to stick to my new eating lifestyle and find replacements for the program meals. I’ve done so, EASILY! I thought it’d be the most difficult part but really, I learned how to eat, how many calories certain foods have, and most of all, when I’m actually full and hungry!
I weighed in recently at 181lbs, that’s minus 63lbs. Now, I’m sure you’re curious, “she must have a trainer too,” well I haven’t. I’ve learned to be resourceful by making friends with trainers that can give me advice, watching people at the gym and reading fitness magazines and blogs. At the end of the day though, it’s your eating habits that have to change! Eat Fresh, Light, and Healthy!
I have about 16 lbs to go and am keeping my head held high: working out as hard as I can, and again being resourceful- switching up my calories, proteins, carbs etc. to get a balance that will maximize my working out.
So? What will it be for you?
All that being said, one of my biggest recommendations is to switch out one of your junk meals with a good healthy salad. When all else fails, greens and a few different toppings with a low-cal dressing…perfecto!
While I personally don’t eat a salad everyday- I have indulged in some of Fresh & Co’s chef designed salads with slight modifications. The salads are to die for, and healthy. What more can you ask for!?
So Suaz and Fresh & Co are putting you up to the challenge! Try a salad per day for 5 days by choosing healthier options in your salads. Let us know that you’re up for the challenge! If your on Twitter let us know how you’re doing on thethe #SaladChallenge, and we might just come get you on camera ordering one of your challenge salads!
Happy healthier living!
Alexandra Suazo, AKA any likeness of Suazo, is a tenacious, social butterfly, Marketing & Social Media Professional. She’s worked as a PR/Marketing associate for a heavy hitter in the events industry and presently as an Interactive Program Manager at an email marketing/social media agency where she manages the social platforms for their largest account. She develops her network and professionalism with every new experience, and manages to have time to even build her own brand "La Suazo". Follower her on Twitter @La_Suazo and her blog!
Suaz has more recently become quite the gym rat, and healthy lifestyle groupie. She absolutely adores tweeting, talking, tumbling, wordpressing, flickering, starring on the tube, checking-in, linking-in, meeting-up, baking and aspires to be a powerful woman like Loren Ridinger.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Farm Fresh Friday for May 6th: Rainbow Micro Greens
It's the end of the week which means it's the beginning of eating better here at Fresh & Co. And this week is no exception with our farm Fresh Friday selection which this week comes from the famous Satur Farms.
Also, check out our video about following us on Twitter. You are following us right?
Also, check out our video about following us on Twitter. You are following us right?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Guest Blog: Amanda Hite- Use Your Social Influence To End Childhood Hunger in America. 2011 Dine Out for No Kid Hungry Restaurant Rally
| Use Your Social Influence To End Childhood Hunger in America. 2011 Dine Out for No Kid Hungry Restaurant Rally.sexythinker | May 3, 2011 at 7:53 am | Tags: amanda hite, be the change, dine out for no kid hungry, no kid hungry, share our strength, social influence, tweet-a-thon, twitter | Categories: Be the change | URL: |
In 2010, over 4,000 restaurants joined Share Our Strength's sponsors and partners to raise more than $1.5 million for the Dine Out For No Kid Hungry™!
Last year, many of us joined together to support Share Our Strength’s Dine Out for No Kid Hungry. Over 1,000 people spread the word online posting over 10,000 tweets about the campaign in just one week. Those 1,000 contributors helped Share Our Strength and the restaurant industry increase donations by 108% over the last year.
This year, the goal is 3 million dollars and to start we need to rally over 5,000 restaurant locations to participate in the program. Now it’s time to rally restaurants around the cause. This Wednesday, May 4th Share Our Strength is hosting a twEAT OUT for the Dine Out for No Kid Hungry all day long! Let's focus our network's enthusiasm on this one day to really grab the attention of restaurants.
Here's how you can help:
- If you have a blog repost this blog on your network asking people to join this Wednesday’s twEAT OUT linking to the TwEAT OUT page:
- Post a request to join us Wednesday and the link to the TwEAT OUT page on your Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin networks
- JOIN us THIS Wednesday for the TwEAT OUT (Tweet-a-thon)
If you want to hear more about how to do more things like this and "Use Your Influence" to make meaningful change. Join Be The Change Influencers.
Fresh and Co. is teaming up with Cafe Metro and other restaurants to help spread the word about this very important program. Please do what you can to help!
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