As the weather gets colder, and the leaves start to turn to shades of autumn reds and oranges, we are presented with a whole new line of produce that are officially in season. This new colony of vegetables will be making their way to the markets and then to their born fate – our plates. From root vegetables and leafy greens, to legumes and herbs, the fall has some tasteful, healthy produce in store for us to indulge.

Although you can get most produce year round, regardless if it’s “in season” it tends to not be quite as good. So when the time of year comes around when particular things are in their prime, it’s a very exciting time down here at F & C. Because we’re in such close contact with where we get our produce, we’re quick to make sure that we are fully stocked the minute what we need is in full bloom.
Here are a few rooted greens to expect, and what to look for as you pick and choose your perfect produce:
Avocados: Great source of vitamins A,C, and F, potassium, fiber and iron.
Choose ones that yield when you gently press them with your thumb. They should be a uniform shade of bluish black.
Beets: Great source of folate, potassium and vitamin C.
Choose beets that are firm, with smooth roots without any splits. You know they’re freshest when the greens are still attached.
Pumpkin: Great source of vitamin C, A, and folate.
Choose "pie pumpkins" or small pumpkins - they're easier to cook with. Pick ones that seem heavy for their size, with thick hard skin and no blemishes.
Broccoli: Great source of vitamin C, folate, and fiber.
Choose broccoli that has firm stems, with heads that are a dark green/purple color. The buds should be closed, with no evidence of any yellow flowers.
This is the season for a vast variety of excellent fruits and veggies. Listed above were just a few! Happy hunting on all of your produce endeavors for this fall!
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