Animal Friendly™, No Antibiotics, Veggie Grown™, Heart Lite™

I’m sure everyone feels as lost in time as we do over here – thanksgiving is a week away! The holiday hustle and bustle is in full swing as everyone picks and chooses what they’ll be bringing to the table on Turkey Day. So, what’s on your menu? Imagine if all items in your cornucopia of food could all be locally sourced, free range, antibiotic free, all natural, and even some organic. Well, it can!

When it comes to eating healthy, it’s not necessarily all about veggies or tofu. It’s about the whole life of everything you put into your body. On Turkey Day, the main focus of the meal is well – TURKEY! When shopping for your perfect Turkey, I’m not suggesting going out and buying a football shaped tofurkey to try and start off this holiday season with a spongy excuse for a main course. This goes for all dietary preferences – I’m a vegan, and I do NOT suggest a tofurkey. For my fellow veggies, bring something to the table that will make the rooted food stand out – don’t be the one munching on sculpted soy.

Now, for those of you on the hunt for your savory centerpiece, it’s incredibly easy to purchase a local, antibiotic free, veggie grown Turkey. For our fellow foodies, many of us would ask ourselves: What would Martha Stewart do? Well, she would do exactly what we here at Fresh & Co. do everyday – order your turkey from Plainville Farms. Thanks to their team effort, Martha and Plainville Farms have joined forces to provide us with humanely raised and antibiotic/growth hormone free turkeys, tips on how to spruce up your turkey and easy access for ordering guaranteed in time for the holiday! Compliment that with produce from your local farmers market (organic wherever possible!) and there you have it. The perfect, local, and sustainable Thanksgiving Dinner. GOBLE UP!
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