Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and what YOU can do about it!

For today's blog post, we wanted to feature a story we recently covered for our monthly newsletter. We really believe in bettering the environment, and hope you do too. Don't receive our monthly newsletter? Click here to sign up!

With the summer here, many of us will be walking around and spending time outdoors. In an effort to stay hydrated in these warmer temperatures, we will likely be drinking more water. Fresh & Co. asks you to think of the environment and the impact plastics have. 

This is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and yes, it’s real. Estimated to be twice the size of Texas, it stretches from California to Japan. The Atlantic Ocean also has its own version in the Sargasso Sea. Due to the ocean currents, garbage from around the world that makes its way to the ocean ends up in these floating garbage dumps. Plastic material does not break down easily, causing it to be the biggest type of garbage in these patches. The severe impact these have had on our environment is mind blowing. All types of living beings from fish, birds, and other marine life have been impacted. The water quality in these areas have also gotten significantly worse. Click here to check out a recent piece Good Morning America did on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Here at Fresh & Co., we utilize our resources to help the environment. If you have eaten one of our salads, you may have noticed the container we used. Bottle Box™  is a terrific product that is the first of its kind. Using nothing but 100% recycled bottles, Bottle Box™ uses the plastic from five 16.9 fl oz bottles to make one of our salad containers. Pretty cool, huh? It’s our way of knowing that we are doing the right thing when it comes to bringing you an environmentally sound product.

Fresh and natural foods. Environmentally friendly packaging. Partners with local farms. Simply put, this is what we at Fresh & Co. believe in. What are you doing to help the environment? We would love to hear!

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